


Mammography employs X-rays to produce an image of the breast, called a mammogram, to detect potential signs of breast cancer such as tumors, microcalcifications, and abnormal skin changes.

A mammogram can detect a lesion when it is half the size of one that can be felt. Mammography is the most effective screening tool available for breast cancer, capable of identifying cancers at an early stage when they are small and most responsive to treatment.

A typical mammogram involves two views of each breast, where they are firmly compressed between two plates. The optimal time for breast examination is 5-7 days after menstruation when hormonal influences are minimal. This is generally when the breasts are less sensitive, making it the most comfortable time for a breast exam.

The procedure takes only a few minutes and is performed by a trained technologist under the supervision of qualified radiologists. A physician analyzes the X-rays for abnormalities or changes related to breast cancer. A physician report is then sent to the doctor. Additional views or modalities like ultrasound may be ordered by the physician in some cases. Follow-up consultation may also be requested for ongoing diagnostic reasons, in which case, the physician will directly contact the patient to discuss any details or assessments beyond the reports.



At Pacific Coast Mobile Radiology, we customize mammograms for each patient, considering their unique needs, issues, and breast tissue types. While our general practice involves a standard four-view study, techniques vary based on breast tissue density and type. Our highly trained staff makes decisions on how to best demonstrate breast tissue for thorough evaluation by the radiologist. Special views may be added during the study as part of our comprehensive approach.

Mammography is the most effective breast cancer screening method available today. It detects approximately 2-3 times as many early breast cancers as physical examination alone. Its primary role is to identify breast cancer sites early in development when they are small and more amenable to treatment. Early-stage breast cancers respond better to treatment, often requiring less invasive procedures.

Mammography uses very low doses of radiation. With advancements in radiological equipment sensitivity and precision, minimal radiation doses are employed to produce clear and precise images.

Early detection is critical, and mammography helps prevent the growth of more aggressive forms of breast cancer.

To prepare for a mammogram, wear a comfortable two-piece outfit (as you’ll need to undress from the neck to the waist). Avoid applying powders, deodorants, or creams to your underarms or breasts, as they may interfere with X-ray clarity.

Women with implants require two additional views to visualize tissue. Using the Eklund Technique, implants are pushed back, and breast tissue is pulled forward for evaluation.

Research indicates that women with physical disabilities tend to have mammograms less frequently than those without such limitations, often due to lack of access. Many mammography facilities aren’t designed to accommodate women with significant challenges. Calling certified mammography centers in your area to assess their suitability and partnering with healthcare providers can facilitate the process. (Due to the nature of mobile mammography, Pacific Coast Mobile Radiology does not provide this option. Please consult your primary care provider for more information.)

PlanMed Sophie Classic S Digital 2D, Mammography System, DR Rose M Wireless Panel

For accurate reporting, radiologists require high technical quality in each study. Interpreting mammograms requires significant training and experience. Pacific Coast Mobile Radiology exceeds federal minimum requirements to ensure both early detection and peace of mind.

Every exam is interpreted as follows:
Category 0: Incomplete. Need Additional Imaging Evaluation.
Category 1: Negative.
Category 2: Benign.
Category 3: Probably Benign.
Category 4: Suspicions.
Category 5: Highly Suggestive of Malignancy
Category 6: Known Biopsy-Proven Malignancy.

Patients asked to return in six months for a special view are categorized as Category 3, indicating a likely negative examination with a subtle area for reassessment. This is not cause for alarm but rather a precaution to confirm previous findings. A letter is generally sent to the patient and referring physician explaining the reason for the request, with a personal reminder sent by the primary care provider at the time of the follow-up study.


Mobile mammography offers your company the opportunity to offer diagnostic mammograms to your employees at your corporate location safely and conveniently—an economically viable and administratively efficient alternative to traditional screening methods.

PCMR’s mobile services provide the advantage of delivering health benefits more efficiently and cost-effectively by optimizing labor, time, and resources at your workplace.

  • No travel time means no downtime
  • Eliminates the need for employees to travel to an offsite facility for the screening
  • Consolidates billing with the insurance provider of your choice
  • Enhances your corporate benefits package
  • May reduce insurance premiums
  • Comparison of Traditional and Mobile Mammograms

Eliminates the inconvenience of employees having to travel to an offsite facility for screening by conducting the procedure at your location

Travel time is equivalent to an average trip to the workplace since the procedure is performed onsite
Screenings are scheduled at your and your employees’ convenience

One central location for service inquiries, costs, technical support, and insurance claims, saving time

Requires only 10 minutes to perform and can be scheduled to avoid disrupting workflow, even during a short coffee break

Varies in travel time from several minutes to a few hours, depending on clinic proximity and availability Patients are scheduled individually by the clinic, often on different days

Cost per mammogram varies depending on the clinic Each worker must take personal/work time to undergo the screening

Waiting room and procedure times vary, leading to significant time loss from the workday after travel and waiting

  • Mobile mammography not only saves thousands of women’s lives but also saves businesses hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars annually.
  • Less absenteeism: Early-detected cancers usually require less extensive medical treatment and fewer days away from work.
  • Greater productivity: With a mammogram taking just 10 minutes, employees can have a potentially life-saving screening during a coffee break. If scheduled elsewhere, it could result in a minimum two-hour absence.
  • Reduced short-term and long-term disability payments: Early detection helps employers avoid or reduce disability expenses.
  • Lower insurance premiums: Early-stage breast cancer treatment costs significantly less than late-stage treatment, potentially affecting insurance premiums.
  • Enhanced employer/employee relationship: Many employees appreciate the opportunity to participate in health screenings like mobile mammography while at work.